Website progression

It’s no secret: we’ve needed a new website. Badly. Well today brings some great news — we’ve finally gotten it out there! Our main philosophy + objective in getting the site up: have a few beautiful things rather than a lot of old broken ones....

WOD 11-22-13: Core Strengthening

Adventure is not outside man; it is within. -George Eliot APK Warm-Up 2 Core conditioning. From a hanging position on a bar or branch perform: 10 Toes to Bar 10 Windshield Wipers × 3 Rounds, try to come off the bar as little as possible. Conclude with some light...

WOD 11-21-13: Conditioning Circuit

If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying. -Coleman Hawkins Start with the APK Warm-Up. Then perform the General Conditioning circuit: 4 rounds for time: Sprint 100 meters 20 jump-squats* 15 clapping push-ups** 20 sit-ups *Jump squats are a full...

WOD 11-20-13: Conditioning Through Movement

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure ‘Science’.” -Edwin Powell Hubble Conditioning through movement. Find a reasonably dense area: a playground, a set of rails and walls, something like...