Parkour for schools
Safe, Fun Parkour Programs and Instruction by experienced professionals
Parkour for Physical Education
Afterschool programs
field Days / assemblies
Parkour in Public Schools
American Parkour has a successful program in collaboration with District of Columbia Public Schools. Over 25,000 students have been part of the program which is an integral part of their Physical Education curriculum.

Parkour is safe!
Parkour has many applications, and the spectacular is usually what sticks in people’s minds. Doing a flip between two buildings may be parkour, that’s the exception, the “black belt”. In reality, parkour is safer than any organized team sport per hours practiced per capita. The reasons are fairly simple, parkour is an indivudal sport using only your own power. There are no wheels, slippery surfaces, and you choose how much gravity you’re ready for. There is no opposing team trying to tackle, overtake, or win. One of the greatest values of parkour is that it teaches self reliance, parkour depends on the practitioner for safety, not the environment.

Parkour for Physical Education Programs
More information coming soon.
Please contact us for more information: 1-844-4-PARKOUR (844-472-7568)
or [email protected]

After School Programs
More information coming soon.
Please contact us for more information: 1-844-4-PARKOUR (844-472-7568)
or [email protected]

Parkour Field Days and Assemblies
More information coming soon.
Please contact us for more information: 1-844-4-PARKOUR (844-472-7568)
or [email protected]