WOD 4-13-15: Landing Practice

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson APK WOD 4-13-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Landing Practice The landing is the most...

WOD 4-10-15: Parkour Strength

“We may fight against what is wrong, but if we allow ourselves to hate, that is to insure our spiritual defeat and our likeness to what we hate.” -George William Russell APK WOD 4-10-15 Parkour Strength This workout is a circuit of parkour-based...

WOD 4-9-15: 4 Holds

“Nothing can be done except little by little.” -Charles Baudelaire APK WOD 4-9-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up 4 Holds L-Sit – 2:00 Planche – 2:00 Front Lever – 2:00 Handstand – 2:00 Perform the appropriate progression for each static...

WOD 4-8-15: Creativity Challenge- Bars and Rails

“Nothing proves that we are more than nothing.” -Emile M. Cioran APK WOD 4-8-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Creativity Challenge- Bars and Rails One of the classic uses for railings, bars, or similar barriers (branches!) is challenging your creativity by...

WOD 4-7-15: Muscle-Up Training

“Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.” -Jackie Chan APK WOD 4-7-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up  Muscle-Up Training The muscle-up is an extremely important skill to master. Spend 30-40 Minutes working on exercises to improve...