WOD 12-5-13: Conditioning Circuit

What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. -Werner Heisenberg Start with the APK Warm-Up #2. Conditioning Circuit 7/4/10 Rep rounds of: Pull-Ups Squats Tuck Jumps Wall Dips Sit-ups So, the first round do 7 pull-ups, squats,...

WOD 12-4-13: Jump and speed training

Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it. -Samuel Butler Jump and Speed Training Start with the APK Warm-Up. Then perform 2 rounds of the following: 2 50-meter sprints with :30 rest between 8 Box-Squats to Box-Jumps OR Full...

WOD 12-3-13: Parkour conditioning

We can do more good by being good, than in any other way. -Rowland Hill Start with the APK Warm-Up #3 Parkour Conditioning 4 Rounds as fast as possible: 20 steps Backwards QM 15 Box Jumps 10 Wall Dips (Substitute Bench Dips if...

WOD 12-2-13: Running

Food is really and truly the most effective medicine. -Joel Fuhrman Start with the APK Warm-Up. Run 2 miles for time. If possible, run through a forest or natural area. Concentrate on controlled breathing and precise, active foot-placement. Today only, you get 20% off...

WOD 11-29-13: Turkey Workout…

I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect. -Alex Grey Only one workout is right for the day after Turkey Day.. ” One Jose” Run...