WOD 2-6-14: 4 Holds

“You have to be someone.” -Bob Marley APK WOD 2-6-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up 4 Holds L-Sit – 2:00 Planche – 2:00 Front Lever – 2:00 Handstand – 2:00 Perform the appropriate progression for each static hold; holding for as long as...

WOD 2-5-15: Spinal Mobility

“Never be afraid to fail. Failure is only a stepping stone to improvement. Never be overconfident because that will block your improvement.” -Tony Jaa APK WOD 2-5-15 Spinal Mobility The impacts of parkour can take a toll on your spinal column without...

WOD 2-4-15: Strength-Conditioning Circuit

“Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance.” -Charles Lindbergh APK WOD 2-4-15 Strength-Conditioning Circuit 3 rounds, 21-15 and 9 reps each of L-Pullups Handstand Pushups Or Assisted...

WOD 2-3-14: Hip Mobility!

“The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.” -Simone Weil APK WOD 2-3-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up Hip Mobility! Do this. Do this every day. Jump farther. Avoid hip and lower back and knee...

WOD 2-2-15: Shoulder Mobility and Sprints

“Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.” -Ernest Shackleton APK WOD 2-2-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Shoulder Mobility and Sprints First, hit some shoulder mobility with some band dislocates. Be sure to pick up a band training kit if you...

WOD 1-30-15: Strength Training- Weighted Lunges

“We are no longer happy so soon as we wish to be happier.” -Walter Savage Landor APK WOD 1-30-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Strength Training- Weighted Lunges This is a low-rep, heavy-weight strength training exercise. Start with 3 warm-up sets with lighter...