APK Academy on Weekend Fix

Weekend Fix came to APK Academy DC to check out what the parkour buzz was all about!   Intrigued by what you saw on Weekend Fix on Esquire? APK Academy classes run year round for kids and adults alike! For more info check the...

Lachette Anniversary Jam 2014

Lachette Anniversary Jam 2014. Photography: Norml Brand A few weeks ago, I went up to Denmark for the Lachette Anniversary Jam at BGI Academy. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it at first because I was really sick leading up to the event, but it was...

Visiting Lisses

For anyone new to the world of parkour, let me explain. Lisses, and its neighbor Évry, is where parkour began. It is where the founders pushed themselves and explored their physical and mental boundaries. And it is where the famous Dame du Lac structure can be found...

New York Women’s Meetup

New York had one of it’s first Women’s meet ups this past weekend. Melanie Robin has been working closely with a ton of great people in New York to open up new Women’s meet-ups. Caitlin Pontrella from the Movement Creative coached the first meet up...

Montreal Jam Adventures

By: Sha Mualimm-Ak The last minute decision to drive up to Montreal’s yearly jam with the Storrs Blog gents was well worth it! Myself and Harjit Kaur from NYC, along with members of Storrs Blog, comprised currently of University of Connecticut students Eric...