Empower THEM through challenge
Safe, Fun Parkour Programs and Instruction by experienced professionals
Parkour Programs
Schools Pre K-12
Summer Camps
Parkour and Gymnastics Gyms
Parks and Recreation
Other Services
Instructor Certifications
Consulting and Design
Parkour Programs
Parkour in Schools
American Parkour has a successful program in collaboration with District of Columbia Public Schools. Over 25,000 students have been part of the program which is an integral part of their Physical Education curriculum.

Business Consulting
We’ve helped many parkour gyms get off the ground, and now use our team’s combined experience of over 30 years running a successful gym to help parkour and gymnastics gyms with their programs. From curriculum, customer journey, coaching development to policies and procedures, program design and executive clarity, we have you covered.
American Parkour News
WOD 10-14-14: Agility and Foot-speed Training
"Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination." -e. e. cummings WOD 10-14-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up Agility and Foot-speed Training Draw or fashion an Agility Ladder. Perform the drills displayed in this video. Quick feet and the ability to change...
WOD 10-13-14: (Re)Testing Plyos
"As far as I can judge, not much good can be done without disturbing something or somebody." -Edward Blake APK WOD 10-13-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up Parkour Plyos Plyometric training is a great way to increase jumping ability. In parkour, we refer to "plyos" as...
WOD 10-10-14: HSPU and Burpee+Broad Jump
"Never stop because you are afraid - you are never so likely to be wrong." -Fridtjof Nansen APK WOD 10-10-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up HSPU and Burpee+Broad Jump 4 rounds, each for time, :45 rest between each round:5 Handstand Push-Ups (Assisted, Against a wall,...
American Parkour News
WOD 10-14-14: Agility and Foot-speed Training
"Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination." -e. e. cummings WOD 10-14-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up Agility and Foot-speed Training Draw or fashion an Agility Ladder. Perform the drills displayed in this video. Quick feet and the ability to change...
WOD 10-13-14: (Re)Testing Plyos
"As far as I can judge, not much good can be done without disturbing something or somebody." -Edward Blake APK WOD 10-13-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up Parkour Plyos Plyometric training is a great way to increase jumping ability. In parkour, we refer to "plyos" as...
WOD 10-10-14: HSPU and Burpee+Broad Jump
"Never stop because you are afraid - you are never so likely to be wrong." -Fridtjof Nansen APK WOD 10-10-14 Start with an APK Warm-Up HSPU and Burpee+Broad Jump 4 rounds, each for time, :45 rest between each round:5 Handstand Push-Ups (Assisted, Against a wall,...