January DC Area Women’s Parkour Meetup

What better way to start the new year than by doing parkour alongside an amazing group of women?! Whether it’s your first time trying parkour or if you’ve been training for awhile, we’d love for you to join us on January 13 at this month’s...

Gam Jam

The Greater Atlanta Movement Jam (Gam Jam) will take place on January 26 in Atlanta, GA. Featuring competitions in Skill, Style, and Speed!Click here for more info

Instructor Certification Program

Kick off the new year by becoming an APK Certified Instructor! Our next next Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications will take place on January 18-20, 2019 at Phoenix Freerunning Academy in Livonia, MI Click here more info January 18-20,...


Come out for some training, movement, games, exploration, and good vibes before the year ends. This is a Savannah Jam for one and all, parkour and freerunning. Meet up at River Street in front of the city hall. Hope to see you there!