WOD 6-12-15: Conditioning through movement

“You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows that follow.” -Harriet Martineau APK WOD 6-12-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Conditioning through movement...

WOD 6-11-15: Technique- Wallrun

“To be a legend, you’ve either got to be dead or excessively old!” -Christopher Lee APK WOD 6-11-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Technique- Wallrun The Wallrun (also Wall- climb, pass, scale) is a fundamental parkour technique that is requires a...

WOD 6-10-15: Split Squats and Handstands

“A fool can throw a stone in a pond that 100 wise men can not get out.” -Saul Bellow APK WOD 6-10-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Split Squats and Handstands 4  supersets (perform the first exercise, then the second, then rest) Rest for 1:30 between super...

WOD 6-9-15: Three Stages of Awesome

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life unless I buy something.” -Jackie Mason APK WOD 6-9-15 Start with an APK Warm-Up Three Stages of Awesome Stage 1: CORE From a hanging position on a bar or branch perform: 10 Toes to Bar 10 Windshield...

WOD 6-5-15: The Pistol

“A leopard does not change his spots, or change his feeling that spots are rather a credit.” -Ivy Compton-Burnett APK WOD 6-5-15 The Pistol Earlier this week we did a workout with the Pistol Squat. This movement is great for building strength, but must be...