“Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.” -Zora Neale Hurston
APK WOD 1-7-15
Start with an APK Warm-Up
Handstand Pushup Training
Handstand pushups (HSPUs) are one of the hardest bodyweight exercises to master, with infinite variations possible.
Start with decline push-ups with your feet raised as much as possible to achieve full range of motion.
Work towards doing them assisted with your feet on a platform and a 90 degree bend at the hips.
Then work your HSPUs against a wall, either just the negative (lowering) portion or the whole movement.
If you can do several reps at this intensity, start adding a little range of motion by raising your hands on blocks (textbooks work well, or parellettes).
Work towards a free-standing HSPU, then an increased ROM free-standing HSPU, then an HSPU on rings, then a free-standing HSPU on rings, then add a weight vest, then do them one-handed, then one handed on a ring with a weight vest!!
Most importantly, spend 30 minutes challenging yourself with this skill.
Finish up with a stretch