“I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.” -Simone de Beauvoir
APK WOD 1-9-14
Start with an APK Warm-Up
Balance Work- Rails
Rails are the classic balance improvement tool for parkour. They are abundant in almost all locations and offer a lot of different ways to improve balance.
Beginners- Start with standing on rails and practice dropping down safely. Stand on one foot or both feet parallel to the rail, and try standing with your feet perpendicular to the rail
Intermediate- Work on taking steps along the rail, taking care that each step is under control and balanced. Set a goal for number of steps in a row (10, 15, 100) and try to beat your high score.
Advanced- Try walking backwards, doing a crouched “duck walk”, squats, pistols, QM, anything to challenge your balance.
Finish up with a stretch
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