“Strength does not have to be belligerent and loud.” -Russell Brand
APK WOD 6-4-14
Start with an APK Warm-Up
Grease the Groove
The “grease the groove” method is a tried and true way to increase the number of repetions of an exercise you’re able to perform. The idea is simple, do something often throughout the day, but with plenty of rest between efforts. Your goal for the day is to do 30% of your max reps of Pull-Ups 10 times today. That is, if you can do 10 Pull-Ups in a row (full range of motion), do 3 Pull-Ups with at least 30 minutes rest between attempts. This is something you can pretty easily incorporate into your every day routine.
Do this with other exercises too if you’d like..
If you can do more than 15 strict pull-ups, full range of motion, with no momentum, you may consider beginning to train the One-Arm Chin. Here’s a training guide I put together for that skill- HERE
Finish up with a stretch