American Parkour: How did you convince them to let you add so much real parkour to the opening chase scene?
David Belle: I didn’t have to convince them, they knew why they wanted to engage me. The opening chase scene is a touch of Banlieue 13, the first movie.
APK: What was your favorite part of working on the movie?DB: Simple moments, including every single [minute] spent with Paul (Walker) full of complicity.
APK: How does this help your vision for spreading parkour?
DB: To be honest, nothing helped me to spread Parkour. But lots of people have been helped thanks to me… Lots of people and companies made and continue to make a lot of money with my work and with Parkour.
The facts are that today, Parkour have nothing (money) to spread itself. Things have to be changed, Parkour have to recover the full power to lead himself.
So we’re working on it ; )
Take a look at www.parkour.com !
Note from M2 – About 7 years ago we were invited to participate in the US launch of District B13 in New York, it was an incredible honor then, and an honor now to go to the screening of Brick Mansions. David continues to be a big inspiration.Brick Mansions is in theaters now.