American Parkour

Brad Phillippe APK 365

People make amazing progress when they commit to even a minimal amount of consistent training. Brad Phillippe is no exception, after training for 5 years, hes seen great progress this year by taking part in the APK 365 challenge. Join the facebook group so you can follow along or get ramped up to join next year! Here is a interview APK did with Brad about his training!

1. How long have you been training?

I’ve trained consistently for right around 5 years now.

2. How often would you train or how much time per week before starting 365? How often do you train now? What have you seen as the benefits/results of the increase?

Before 365 I would train parkour specifically between 2 and 4 days per week, with weight training 3 to 5 days per week on top of that. Now I train parkour 7 days per week, weightlifting 3 days per week. Because of the 365 challenge I’ve seen a great deal of confidence increase, as well as coordination increase.

3. What do you do when you’re not raining parkour? (Job?, Hobbies?)

My main job is building  structures for events at Busch Gardens Tampa. However my second job is instructing parkour at Shinobi School. As for hobbies, I freelance as a voice actor every chance I get.

4. What’s the biggest take-away from your parkour training that is not physical? What’s the best life change from parkour training?

The biggest and best takeaway from parkour is the ability to focus on my journey and no one else’s. I’ve stopped comparing where my life and my journey is at with that others. It’s definitely stopped a lot of stress!


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