American Parkour

Recommended Equipment for Parkour

Parkour requires nothing. However, to get the best training experience, we have compiled a list of recommended items that help you with training and recovery.


Pants that allow full range of motion also offer some abrasion protection, or athletic shorts that don’t restrict movement. TheAPK Store carries a variety of sweatpants, tough-wearing cargos, and shorts that we find work best. We don’t recommend the use of gloves because they may hamper your grip.

Shoes and footwear

The most important factor in a shoe is fit and comfort. Soft rubber on the soles will afford the most grip, and the more simple the sole the better; beware of plastic on the sole as this can cause slipping. We’ve recently been recommending Feiyue shoes, as they meet all the requirements and can be purchased relatively cheaply at $20.

Training and recovery gear

There are a few small inexpensive items that if used regularly will improve mobility and tissue health. The first is a Foam Roller. Using these for SMR (Self Myofascial Release) is crucial for maintaining healthy muscle and connective tissue. Secondly, a rubber training band (or two) is fantastic for assisting in stretching, and helps in scaling exercises to be easier or more difficult. A pull-up bar installed in a doorway around the house will lead to nothing but extreme improvement in strength that is highly applicable to parkour training.

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