“The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.” -Robert A. Heinlein
APK WOD 7-7-15
Start with an APK Warm-Up
PNF Stretching
This workout will involve the Rubberbanditz Band Training Kit.
This one is all about PNF, one of the most effective ways to gain flexibility.
We’re gonna do some hard sprints to tire out the posterior chain, then work on our hamstring flexibility.
Make sure you hit the warm-up!
Then do 7 50-meter sprints as fast as possible, resting as needed to regain your breath between sprints.
After that, it’s on to the PNF.
Check out this VIDEO. If you don’t have bands yet, get a partner to resist your push.
Do 4 sets on each leg. Watch for cramping, don’t overdo the contractions if you feel a cramp coming on.
Hope you enjoyed the workouts this week! We carry the bands because we believe in them and we use them almost every day here at the gym. Get some!
Finish up with a stretch
The next APK Instructor Certification has been scheduled! Sign up here for the Cert in Dallas!