American Parkour

WOD 5-8-15: Handstand and Running Conditioning

“The reward of suffering is experience.” -Harry S Truman

APK WOD 5-8-15

Start with an APK Warm-Up

Handstand and Running Conditioning

Perform 2 rounds of the following for time:

Run 400 Meters

Hold a Handstand as long as possible (use a wall or spotter to assist as needed, spend at least 30 seconds on your hands)

Run 400 Meters

50 Box Jumps

Run 400 Meters

Hold a Handstand as long as possible (use a wall or spotter to assist as needed, spend at least 30 seconds on your hands)

Finish up with a stretch

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The APK WOD is powered by APK Academy and sponsored by the APK Store. Check out the store today for an exclusive WOD coupon! Enter “WODEXCLUSIVE10” at checkout.
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