A wise traveler never depreciates their own country. -Carlo Goldoni
APK WOD 2-25-14
Start with an APK Warm-Up
Core strengthening/ skill work: Dragon Flag!
The Dragon Flag is a brutal core strengthening exercise that involves keeping the body straight and tight while raising and/or lowering from the shoulders.
Here is an example of great form at the hardest variation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjCMq2zkbOo
Here are some ways to scale it to your level:
Easy- Bend the legs (don’t curve the spine!! keep the line between hips and shoulders straight), start at the top and lower slowly to the bottom
Less easy- Bend the legs start at the bottom and pull to the top.
Even less easy- Keep one leg bent and one leg straight, start at the top and lower.
Almost hard- Keep one leg bent and one leg straight, start at the bottom and pull to the top.
Hard- Both legs straight, start at the top and lower slowly to the bottom
Harder- Keep both legs straight, start at the bottom and pull to the top
Extremely Hard- Weighted, straight legs, bottom to top.
Find a variation you can do with perfect form and perform 5 sets of 6. If you start to lose form, switch to an easier variation, even mid-set.
Finish up with a stretch.