American Parkour

WOD 12-17-13: Muscle Up for lightning climb-ups!

You don’t always win your battles, but it’s good to know you fought. -John Greenleaf Whittier

Start with the APK Warm-Up #3.

 Muscle-Up training.

The muscle-up is an extremely important skill to master.

Spend 30-40 Minutes working on exercises to improve the muscle-up. This includes pull-ups, dips, jumping muscle-ups, and muscle-up negatives (starting at the top position and slowly lowering down to the bottom.)

You can also work on climb-ups on a wall.

If you can already do muscle-ups, challenge yourself by trying to do max muscle-ups in 10 minutes, or 50 climb-ups for time.

Finish with a light jog and then stretch.

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