American Parkour

WOD 11-3-14: Pull-Up Ladder

Winning isn’t everything, but it beats anything in second place. -William C. Bryant

APK WOD 11-3-14

Start with an APK Warm-Up

A classic…

Pull-Up Ladder

Set a timer with a second hand or readout.

At the beginning of the minute do 1 Pull-Up and rest until the top of the next minute.

At the beginning of the next minute do 2 Pull-Ups and rest until the top of the next minute.

Keep adding 1 Pull-up until you aren’t able to complete them all within the minute.

Dropping from the bar is allowed at any time.

Pick a variation of the pull-up that allows you to do 10 straight ( StrictKipping, Jumping…)

Finish up with a stretch

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