American Parkour

WOD 4-16-15: Basic Tumbling Practice

“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” -Anatole France

APK WOD 4-16-15

Start with an APK Warm-Up

Basic Tumbling Practice

Getting familiar with the basics of tumbling will translate into better body awareness and control. Strive to perform the best quality repetition you can.
On a soft surface like carpeting, grass, mats:
15 Forward Rolls (somersaults)
15 Backward Rolls
15 Cartwheels to each side
15 Standing 360 jumps (try to land straight and balanced)
15 Handstand to forward rolls
15 Cartwheels to Rolls to each side
15 Round-off to Backward Rolls on each side

Finish up with a stretch

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