American Parkour

Website progression

It’s no secret: we’ve needed a new website. Badly.

Well today brings some great news — we’ve finally gotten it out there! Our main philosophy + objective in getting the site up: have a few beautiful things rather than a lot of old broken ones. Given that approach, there are definitely a few valuable resources that we haven’t had a chance to bring over yet, like the Community Jam Calendar, but they’ll make an appearance soon enough.

Another good thing to keep in mind: everything from the old site still exists at

We’d appreciate your help with two things:

  1. Tell us any resources which you used frequently that don’t exist yet on the new site.
  2. Let us know any links you find on other sites that point to our old site and are broken, for example if there is a great article on a major site, and it is now a broken link, we’d like to fix that.

After a few weeks of testing with the new site, we’ll ask for more help in other areas to keep making APK the best possible resource it can be for the parkour community.

Thanks for being part of APK, Together We Are The Movement

– M2

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