American Parkour

DC Fit Crasher is “Feeling Like a Video Game Hero” after parkour at the APK Academy

The DC Fit Crasher stopped by the APK Academy in Washington DC the other day.

For those of you who don’t know, DC Fit Crasher is a blog based in Washington, DC chroniciling the adventures of Meaghan Stakelin as she journeys through all sorts of workouts in DC. She’s done it all: boxing, CrossFit, hiking, pilates, yoga, biking, and loads of other intense workouts.

Meaghan was pleasantly surprised by the attitude on display by many traceurs:

“There was always someone willing to demonstrate a move, explain a technique, or offer a high-five after a successful attempt. Even more importantly, the instructors were extremely engaged and I never at any point felt like I was in danger, despite my constant fear of breaking a leg or face-planting on the floor. Kudos to everyone in the class for making this total newbie feel like part of the crew.”

Our entire APK Academy team really enjoyed meeting Meaghan and showing her the ropes. She wrote an exceptional piece about her experience, and we encourage you to check it out check out her review on the DC Fit Crasher blog.

To learn more about DC’s APK Academy, head on over to this lovely place.

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