American Parkour

Parkour Instructor Certification

APK Instructor Certification Program

The American Parkour Instructor Certification Program is a comprehensive 3-day training program based on the longest-running parkour curriculum in the US: the APK Academy. The program is administered by Travis Graves, Head Coach and Program Director at American Parkour, one of the most experienced coaches in the country with over 14 years as a professional. The program promotes the healthy growth of parkour by providing useful and relevant information about the discipline, training practices, histories and philosophies for those who coach others to help them attain their potential through movement.

Upcoming Dates

February 10-12th 2023| Hoosier Warriors Gym | Lvl 1&2 Combined Cert

Early bird registration by 01/01/2023 is $700! Register after 1/1 for $800.

Don’t see a date or location that work for you? Is the class already filled? We can notify you when more classes become available if you pass along your contact information here.

Benefits of holding the APK Certified Instructor certificate:


What to expect:


For questions and enrollment email

“The APK Instructor Program was an invaluable experience to me. Even though I have been teaching formally prior to taking this course it still offered a good amount of information that I could add to my classes, reinforce the things that I was doing well and adapt the things I had trouble with teaching. It also helped rekindle my interest in learning about teaching as I feel like I had gotten a little complacent with my teaching. It’s definitely a great experience and I suggest it to anyone interested in stepping up their teaching abilities.” – Jereme Sanders, graduate of the inaugural program

” I learned more in those 3 days of certification than I have in all the years that I’ve been training.
Not even taking into account the training, drills, and how much genuine fun I had.
The facts, science they taught us about biomechanics, injury prevention, and helping progress beginners alone; was absolutely well worth it to me personally.
Thank you APK. .” – Shinobi Poli, owner of Shinobi School

“Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Teaching I Learned from Parkour. That’s right, in just three days under the tutelage of Travis Graves of the American Parkour Certification Program, I came away with an understanding about not just parkour instruction, but teaching, in general, that is more valuable than both my degrees in education.” – Keith Mylett, Parkour instructor and school teacher in Hawaii

Looking for an APK Certified Instructor? Find them here.

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